where to start?

Yes, it has been quite some time since this blog was updated! There have been so many things that have been going on, I really don't know where to start! It's been one of those months where when you look back over it you know that the only way that you were able to get through it is with God's help.
We continue to wait on Him day to day for our needs, it is very encouraging to see how He is providing for us daily! I could write a book about that. We have been blessed with clothes for our children by so many people, even ones we don't know!!! As Anna so sweetly said it to one of her friends "Thank you for all the clothes, my drawers are overflowing!" and that they are! Clothes, food, and everything else, we are being cared for! Thank you to all of you who have blessed us so abundantly!
We have been to Maine for some time with Phil's whole family (well most of them) We were there during rainy season maybe not rainy season really but we have had some substantial rain this month. I think the record was 3 weeks with only one day that was not raining! We are very thankful for all the rain though. Our summer has started much like our winter with so much snow...
We are heading into our VBS at our home church this week. We are very excited to see what God will do in the lives of the children (and parents) that attend this week, the younger kids canvased the neighborhood today with invitations. They are very excited about this coming week.
We are involved in another VBS in 2 weeks up in Amherst NH at River of Life. We will be the missionaries for the week there. We worked with them last year also, and made some great friends through it!
The older girls are heading up to Maine again at the end of the month. They are going on a Missions trip with a group from our church. They are all geared up for that and can't wait for it!
Reading all of this I think that you get the VBS thing this month. Please pray for the children that will be attending these that they would be receptive to hear what is being taught to them. And for the workers that they would be able to clearly share with the children what we have all be working on to teach them.
Well, I hope that this little update shows you where we are in our lives these days!
Thank you for reading this and for praying with us as we seek to do God's will in our lives.


The Hastings Family July 6, 2009 at 6:35 AM

Hi Wilson Family,

We miss you all and look forward to seeing you. We continue to pray for you on your journey to Guatemala. Have a great week at VBS.

Lot of love,

The Hastings

The Hastings Family July 6, 2009 at 6:44 AM

Hey Jen,

I am not sure if I have the correct e-mail address for you in my addresses. Can you send it again?



BethsMomToo July 15, 2009 at 9:13 AM

Are you at the church in Amherst this week or next week?

Jen July 15, 2009 at 2:57 PM

next week! can't wait!!