Lean on Me

Proverbs 3 5&6 says:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.

This is such a simple verse that so many of us have learned as children, and how many times have we tried to make things more complicated than what this verse says?

As you all (faithful readers of our blog) know, we have been learning to trust and LEAN on God in more ways recently! How amazing everyday when we wake up to see His faithfulness to us, and His provisions for us.

We are leaving on Sat. for our training. We are all looking forward to it a change of scenery and a different pace. OK...well Claire is certainly going to be at a different pace. 2 weeks ago she was on a trampoline with a few friends, and was jumped on...(we did bring her to the doctor to check it out and she was not worried about it!)a few days later a cousin bumped into her leg again...and the final straw was on Sunday night when she was being snuggled with and her sister was getting out of bed and rolled over onto her leg. We watched her all day on Monday at our church picnic, I asked SEVERAL people to look at her walking and whether they thought she was limping or not, well Tuesday brought us to the doctors ALL day. To find out at 5:30 pm that yes in fact she has a broken leg. So yesterday (Wednesday) it was casted and has not slowed her down much, I think a full leg cast still would not have slowed her down! :) It is waterproof, YES!!! you did read that right a waterproof cast. They were thinking of NC and the warm weather and pools when they casted her!!

here are a few pictures of the little girl with her purple cast.
oh, and for the record 6 kids and she is the first one to be in a cast! Who would have ever thought it would be Claire!! :-)