God's Provisions

We are at the beginning of April, where is the time going? So many things have happened over the past month. The biggest change in the Wilson home is that Phil was laid-off on Wednesday (March 25). We are not worried, lots of other people are doing that for us. We were actually excited! Phil has taken deputation on as his full time job and God is taking care of our daily needs! What could be better? God knows what we need better than we know.
The amazingly beautiful and destructive ice storm that we had here in December has brought in some work for Phil. God has brought some wonderful people into our lives that are walking this Faith Walk with us, and praying along with us as we are living each day and working on getting to Guatemala.
Our support is coming in even with new partners this past week. What a blessing each and every one is! God knows exactly what we need when we need it, and is control of all things!
Funny how even the smallest things He is in control over, I received a letter from my friend who has moved to Asia. It arrived on a day that I was longing to talk to her about things. Funny...she mailed it a week earlier from the states. Abby's birthday card was sent the same day from the same place and she received it the normal 2 days later! God is even in control of the post office! :)

Please keep praying along with us that our support will come in, in God's time not our time!
Please pray that we are able to share effectively when we speak at church's what God has laid on our hearts to do.
Please pray for our neighborhood Bible Study, it is such a joy and a blessing to us watching these new creatures in Christ devour God's Word!
Please pray for our co-laborers in Guatemala, safety for their families since the violence has recently escalated.