For Just a Cup of Coffee per Day you can Help Us!

A cup of coffee... something so many of us buy... I have to admit I do enjoy coffee, and I even splurge and go to Dunkin' Donuts on occasion for mine! Ever added up all that change rattling around in your car and thought "I can go get a cup of Joe today!"

Well, here is our challenge to you! "buy" the Wilsons a cup of coffee per day. Put the change into a special mug or set it aside somehow and then send it in to AMG for our monthly support. We are looking for 30 people to be in our 1% club, supporting us for just $60 per month. Would you prayerfully consider being one of our $60 - 1% partners?

You can follow our progress with the thermometers currently on this blog.

Our hearts are to be serving the Lord in Guatemala. Could you help us to get there by sending in the price of a cup of Joe per day???