VBS Son Rock Kids Camp

We had an absolutely wonderful time this past week doing VBS at River of Life Church. The kids were so thrilled to be learning and eager to here about what was being taught!

We did the missions room with them. We taught some songs to the younger kids,(kindergarten and pre-k) teaching them "Be a Missionary" and also simple spanish words, they came into the room saying hola and left saying adios! The older kids we went a little deeper with each class, we watched some missions videos and just had fun with them. Showing them that it really isn't that hard for anyone to be a missionary, you are one everywhere you go!!

The older kids are up in Portland with a group of teens from our home church this week. They are doing Back Yard Bible Clubs all this week! From what I have heard (and not from my own kids) is that they are having a great time. The Word is getting out and being shared. They have 6 different clubs that are meeting during the day. They have gone to a few "tourist" places and are going to a Root Cellar which is a food pantry and they will be helping pass out food. I am so looking forward to seeing how God uses this time in the lives of all the teens that are in ME, and also for the ones that are being taught. I know that they will all learn so much from one another.

Please continue to pray for us as we are seeking out the people that God has called to be our ministry partners. We are having a great time meeting new people and sharing with them what it is that God has called us to do. Each time we share what it is that we are doing, it makes our hearts long even more to be there!

Thank you all for taking the time to read this and to see where we are and what we are doing!


The Hastings Family July 28, 2009 at 9:36 PM

HI Guys,

Sounds like you are all having a busy summer. We are praying for you! Can't wait to see you and catch up.


Bob and Robin

BethsMomToo July 29, 2009 at 11:49 AM

Glad your VBS experience turned out so well... a blessing to YOU and the THEM!

Diem Family August 1, 2009 at 7:33 AM

Glad things are going well for you guys! We look at your blog often, and love it when we see a new post. We have your prayer card up on are wall and are consistently praying for your support to come in His time! Learning spanish is fun! So you guys have lots to look foward to! Can't wait to see you guys in a little bit! Love Becks, for the Diems