
We received a call from our friend Tyler Sunday night informing us that New England Bible Church voted on us Sunday evening and they are now supporting The Wilson Family! We are so excited to be their new missionaries! The church has made us feel so welcome and right at home when we are there.

It is such a blessing to see them excited about the ministry. Seeing them talk about what part they will have in it as well, coming down on short term trips and just being an extension of the local church! What a blessing they have been to us.

My Mom went to the surgeon yesterday. She will be having her surgery on Jan. 8, she sounded great when I was talking to her. A weight has been lifted I think. It is a pretty invasive surgery but that is all they will need to do, no chemo or radiation. They will be removing part of the pancreas and also her spleen. Amazing how God created our bodies with so many parts that we can live without! Please continue to pray for her comfort while she is waiting for surgery and also for my Dad. It has been a long road with so many health issues in the family the past few years!

Thank you all so much for taking time to read our updates, our stories, our concerns and also be in prayer with us for these things!

God is SO good!