
Matochos, a little village on a mountain close to the neighboring the El Salvador border. It's hot, it's dry, it's dirty. There is litter all up and down the side of the one lane road going up the mountain. Steep inclines make your stomach lurch as you pass through the hair-pin turns. It's poor village, with lots of children. In that village AMG has a center. I am not sure the exact number of children who attend there. This is not your typical school, most schools we visit, the children run to you, jump in your arms and hug on you all day. They want to touch your white skin, or feel your hair that is a different color than they have. They stare into your blue eyes, amazed. Here, they stood back, played but didn't get too close to us. Didn't ask to be picked up or hugged. They watched us, pointed and played with us but away from us.

Just as curios as they are with us, we are with them. What is your name, how old are you, do you live close to school, how many people live in your house, does your Mom live with you, your Dad live with you, who takes care of you, are you loved, are you cared for...yes, we have questions too. All too often the children tell us that they don't know their Dad. They live with their Mom, and their Tia (aunt) or their Abuela (grandmother)with primos (cousins) this is typical. No Dad, no grandfather, once and a while a father figure may come around but he isn't there all the time.

      These are not my words but words that were shared with me. They will not be exactly as the first story was told, but I will do my best to retell it. 

 Yesterday we met a little boy Fernando, he is 6 years old I believe. These typical questions were asked and he answered not even timidly but, openly. It is a way of life, they know no other way. Except his case is different. His Mom left him. I don't know how old he was when she left, I do know that he lives with his aunt and cousins, his Dad works in the city which is 2 hours away on a good day with your own car. Not stopping every 100 feet to pick up or drop off a new passenger. I have no idea how long it takes when you are on a bus. But, it is not 2 hours. His Dad has been in the big city for a month now and will come home next week. Then leave again, not spending Christmas with his family, because he needs to provide for them. His Aunt works as well, leaving the 12 year old cousin in charge of Fernando and a 2 month old baby all day. When asked how he feels about this situation, little Fernando said he feels "abandoned". What 6 year old child knows that word, knows how to use that word, and feels the pain of that word? This little one does and so many others do as well. It's sad, it's heartbreaking. Knowing that there are children living in villages all over this country who have stories so similar to this. Knowing that this is just simply a way of life for these poor people, for these poor children.

So thankful for the centers that AMG sponsored children can attend. They are loved on, cared for, fed and taught. With Christ's love being the center of all their teaching. Would you prayerfully consider helping a child like Fernando attend a school? Please follow this link and make a difference today.