God's way not our way!

Just a quick update here about our house. As you read last month we had an offer made on our house, and everything was moving along just fine...until our house appraisal came in. It was a bit lower than what we were asking for um, about 110,000 less than what we were asking for! Are you all as shocked as we were? Well, we were working with that number and trying to see what we could do. When Phil saw a friend who spoke with him about the house, and told Phil that they loved the place and were very interested in it. (this was on Sat. 2 days after the appraisal came in) He shared with Phil that they had been looking for a house in this area with land...He told Phil that they were praying that everything would fall through. We were beginning to be more and more unsettled as time went on with the first buyers. But, having to remember that it is not our house but God's and He will see fit to do with it as He pleases. Well, Tuesday Phil received a call from buyer 2 and said that they were really interested. And to let them know as soon as we know anything from buyer 1. Phil got off the phone with him and called buyer 1 (as was planned to a prior arrangement they made the previous day) He called him and talked with him, and the buyer said, that it was not going to happen! Relief filled our hearts and settled us a bit! But still not sure if buyer 2 was as serious as he was appearing Phil called him to let him know. And as they say...the rest is history! They came over that Friday night and the next Tuesday they were here talking about details and such with us. Mom and Dad will have GREAT neighbors! I am so happy and so at peace with this contract that we have with the new buyers. And what is so amazing is that, not only were we in shock about the contract possibly falling through. We had no idea that God had already lined someone up for this before we could even think what we would do next! How's that for a nut shell? :)

Anna's verse at school that week during all of this was very fitting. Jer 29:11 "For I know that plans I have for you" declares the Lord; "Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".

Thank you for praying for our house sale, we can see how God has answered so many already! keep it up!