The time has come...

Luke 10:2 He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

We have a date! December 30, 2010!! We are looking into plane tickets now. Phil is in Guatemala and has found our new home! He is also doing all the paper work signing us all up for our school. We are getting rid of things, packing things, preparing for our new adventure!
How exciting it is for our family as we are approaching this new phase. One that seems to have taken so long to get there, but in God’s time it is never too long is it? We have been learning about trusting in ALL things, we have seen first hand over and over and over how God has provided for us. We have been able to share with so many what God is doing in our lives. We could write a book about what He has done for us!

There have been so many changes that have taken place since we first committed our lives to serve in full time ministry. January 2007 was when we as a family decided that we were going to look into full time mission work. January 2007 Claire was 2 1/2, Anna was 4 1/2, Cabot was 7, Megan was 10, Betsy was almost 12 and Abby was almost 14. Looking back over my blog seeing what changes have taken place brought me to tears today! Moves, illnesses, new friends, deaths, and provisions. I enjoyed reading things here and it was a great reminder of some difficult times we have had. And also, of the joyous times we have had. We have grown closer as a family through things that God has brought us through. January 2011 will be 4 years later, I can’t wait to see what changes are going to take place in our lives when we are living out what we have been learning!

What can you be praying for now?
That things would fall into place smoothly for our move.

That the family unit will work together and grow as a family while we are going through so many changes.

The remainder of our support would come in.

God’s will, will be done in our lives everyday!

Please let us know of things that you would like us to pray for as well. We want to pray effectively for you as well!