Out of His Infinite Riches....

What? Why is she taking a picture of food? Is that what you are wondering at this point? Is she trying to come up with something clever to write about? And, many other questions I am sure. The picture is to show you what was put in Phil's car yesterday when he was working on a friends tractor over at a church nearby. For some reason (?) the local food bank had given the food to this little church instead of the local Catholic church which normally gets the food. I had just been on the phone with Phil about grocery shopping, and wondering where the money was going to come for the food. 6 weeks not working and still no unemployment check. Let's just say things have been a little tight!! Well, the Pastor and someone else put all this food in Phil's little car, we are not really sure how it all fit in there. Well, God had the grocery's already bought and in the car! Imagine that!

We are always so amazed and humbled, that He does these things for us, wretched sinners who deserve NOTHING. Yet in His perfect will He provides so much for us! What a joyful day!

Just thought I would share this blessing with you and maybe it will be a blessing to someone else!


BethsMomToo June 30, 2009 at 9:44 AM

Any updates on prayer needs?