God's Time

As I sit here on yet another snowy day in New Hampshire I am dreaming of warmer weather in Guatemala. Oh how we long to be there serving the Lord in every capacity we have. It seems so cold and chilly and the warm weather is so appealing to me! But I need to stop and think of how selfish that is. We are here right now, not there. God's timing has us in a little community that we were never going to live in. What opportunities we have while we are here.

We are starting up a Bible Study tomorrow night for the neighborhood. What an exciting time that is. This is our pre-term for Guatemala I guess.
God knows when we will be in Guatemala, right now He has us here. So, we will faithfully be making our contacts, praying about what He has for us, and throw another log on the fire.

One thing I have learned over the past several years is that God has us right where He wants us and it isn't good to try to hurry up and get to the next thing before He is ready for us to be there