more fun...our farewell...and tears

Chris and Hannah
Paige and Hannah
Phil Jen and Claire

Are you wondering why we already had our farewell dinner? This is Lindsay and Eva our mayors

they decided that we would have a cookout for our get together this week. After doing that we had a time of sharing for the families that will be leaving the end of this week (and a single) Chris, Paige and Hannah. What a testimony those two have! God is so powerful and so evident in their lives. We have all learned so much from them! They are heading to Thailand in November! How excited we are for them. Nathan, the youngest in the group is heading to Uganda for medical work! He is so excited to be going and bringing health care to them there! And of course our family well, part of us!
Why the cook out? well, It was the only time we could really get something in due to the paper that we need to have completed by Thursday!! are the pictures from the games to the cookout and sharing/singing after! We are the only ones that are leaving at this point in our training. Everyone else that is here will be here through November. There are 2 more classes that will be going after we leave. So, a small part of the group is leaving and the majority of the people are staying.
What a great time we had fellowship is always great and encouraging isn't it? As Phil and I were reflecting later that night I told him I knew we would make friends, I didn't expect to make such great friendships that will take us all over the world! Imagine what our passports could look like? It is going to be hard to leave, 4 weeks doesn't seem like a realistic time to make those friendships but we did. We are just a great big family here!I thank God everyday for the new friendships that He has given to us! We love you all!!