busy busy busy

Here is a quick glimpse of our daily activity:
6:00-6:30 rise and shine!! Phil and Jen coffee and quite time.
7:00 rise and shine!! kids...
8:10 out the door to get the kids settled (mostly get Claire settled)
8:25 coffee.... :)
8:30 Heart of the Missionary (devotions with everyone)
9ish a short break refill coffee
9:15 next session which varies from day to day
10:30ish continuation of session.
12:00 LUNCH we get the kids and head back "home" and share our lunch make dinner if time allows, work on homework if time allows...we don't usually get back here until 12:30
1:10 head back with Claire to get her settled down for her nap and then get the rest of the kids settled back into class as well.
1:25 get water
1:30 next class begins
2:15ish a break
3:00 get kids and head back home. Which is usually more like 4:00, by the time all is said and done.
dinner, homework, extra class tonight, meals to be had with friends and instructors.
it is a very busy schedule. And for those of you that know me well I am not a very scheduled person. Which I found out yesterday is one of my personality traits...haha....talking it too!! ;)
We are learning so much and enjoying it all! Looking at our syllabus it was very overwhelming but day by day it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Laundry is all caught up, dishes are all clean and put away. I even had time to make homemade bread for dinner on Monday without my kitchen aide!! (it was Claire's birthday)
We are learning to FlEx! A great thing to learn and I wish I had learned it a long time ago!
We did have a great visit Friday to Saturday with the Ragans! They came all the way from Tennessee to see us! Drove 4 1/2 hours one way just so that we could catch up (and check out CIT) What a great time we had here are some pictures that were taken while they were here.


Ken Mason September 21, 2008 at 4:19 AM

Been following your travels as I travel.I appreciate you taking time to fill us all in and keep us up to speed.
You have been in my prayers.
God is faithful.
In Him, Ken

BethsMomToo September 24, 2008 at 12:09 PM

Good thing they have coffee there! ;) Actually, when we travel outside the US lack of US-strength coffee is pretty much the only thing I have trouble with. I've learned to bring "coffee bags" with me when I travel. I find it's the only "taste of home" I long for on a regular basis.

In the English countryside I once went to buy Cafe Americano from a vending machine and laughed over the description given: "Our own fine espresso with twice as much water." Yep... that's American-strength coffee!