Moving along...

I wish that I had some pictures to show you what we have been doing! Phil is at the "new" house right now working on painting it. (it is 10:00 Tuesday night as I am writing this) Greg and Tyler are with him!! (thanks guys!) Things are coming along nicely right now. To say that there is a lot of work to be done on the house is an understatement! It is amazing what a little paint and cleaning can do to a place! We are slowly making it ours though!

We are in the midst of packing up the "old" house too...not a fun job! Trying to figure out what needs to go to Raymond with us. What I need to store away and what we need to get rid of (those are the much bigger piles)!! It has been very emotional for all of us during this process!

Someone asked me yesterday if I will miss this house and do I really love living here. The answers are YES!! I will miss this place I mean who wouldn't? Mom and Dad are right next door. Everything we know is here and close by! So many memories have been made here! Do I really love living here YES!! BUT, I really want to be in Guatemala more than I want to live here!! So many people in Guatemala need to be taught about Lord and Savior. That is so much more important than a house!

A resounding question that is asked of us is "do your kids really want to go to Guatemala?" and the answer to that is YES! this was (and still is) a family decision. Any and all who are of the age to have an opinion shared their thoughts and concerns. They all want to be there. Every night when they pray it is for us to get to Guatemala quickly so that we can help the children learn about God. Very humbling to hear the heart of a 5 year old!

What can you be praying for?
God to burden people for His work in Guatemala.
Ministry partners both prayer and financial.
Smooth transition of selling our house and settling into the new one.
Our upcoming meeting in Nottingham on July 27.
Our witness here in Chester and also in Raymond to our new neighbors.

Thank you for keeping up with what we are doing, and helping us along our way!


Mark Sohmer June 30, 2008 at 6:49 AM

You're in our prayers! :)

The Sohmer's