we have been busy!

Since our last post we have visited a couple churches. We made some great contacts! Met wonderful people and been so very encouraged!

Our first stop was up in Lisbon NH at Lisbon Bible Church. What a great time we had, we even had some of our friends from our church (who happen to be the Pastor's children) come up and support us there! It is so exciting to see God work in lives of people that are around us when we are sharing our ministry and what brought us to this point in our lives. We definitely were blessed being up there with the Wings! There was a church dinner after service, what great food! Someone was amazed at Claire (3) eating baked beans instead of the chocolate cookies for dessert! I think that by the time I got home Sunday evening I had gained 10 pounds from all the food over the weekend.

Our next stop was at Providence Baptist Church. in Epping NH. We had a great time of fellowship there as well. My sister and her family attend this church. So, we felt right at home there. We were minus one child this week, so they didn't get the full effect of the Wilson clan, one person missing is a big hole!

How humbling to know that these two churches have committed to pray faithfully for our family. Knowing that they are lifting us up in prayer before the Throne of God and go on our behalf is just such an overwhelming feeling!

We are only a small part of the ministry going, we are an extension of the local church heading there. You are as much the ministry if you are supporting us in prayer or financially. We couldn't do it without the local churches!

I also had the pleasure of meeting Joy Eisner today! For those of you who do not know who Joy is, she and her family will be serving at CAG in Guatemala starting this August. This is where our kids will be attending school once we are in Guatemala!! We met at the Burger King that is about half way between our houses. The kids played in the playroom and I sipped my coffee and we chatted and Joy **gasp** doesn't drink coffee...I think she had better start before she moves to Guatemala! that is a staple there! We had a great time visiting and getting to know each other while the kids played. What a great time!