
Wow, people do read our blog! Here are answers to the questions people have been asking us:

We are at this point planning on going to CIT in the fall. For many different reasons. I could list them all, but I am waiving that option right now! We will head down in the fall, the kids will be able to home school while we are there. That is something that I need to look into more. I think I can keep up with the curriculum that we have decided to use for them. We are more at peace with the decision of going in the fall.

As far as our support, we are still working on that. I had many people ask me in the past week where we are with our support. I know that Phil has as well. People who I don't even know very well are asking us about our support level, it is a good opportunity to tell them about what we are actually going to be doing when we are in Guatemala. Making contacts is always an interesting thing. It seems like we are "spinning our wheels" as Phil says. But we are moving forward. We are learning things here now that God wants us to learn. Things about each other and our family that I think in any other situation we would never know. Trusting in God for all things in every area is such a wonderful thing to be learning.

Some specific prayer requests:
Cabot our son, has been having very bad headaches more and more often and we are taking him to the doctors today. Please pray that the doctor can pinpoint what is giving him these headaches.

My nephew Alex is able to run and jump!! PRAISE!! how exciting to see him only a few months after such an awful accident. they will find out in the next few days when his rods will come out of his legs, which should be sometime next month!

More meetings and contacts. We can't get to Guatemala without support!


Mark Sohmer March 3, 2008 at 7:38 AM

Poor Cabot! I will definitely pray for him. I hope they can get to the bottom of that right away!

Happy March 3, 2008 at 3:17 PM

We read your blog! It's exciting to see you going to do God's work. We will continue to pray for you guys.