
Happy New Year from frozen New Hampshire! Wow is it cold up here. I can only dream of how nice and toasty the Dennets are! They missed out on the last storm because they were on a plane heading down to Costa Rica for their schooling. No, I am not jealous about the warmth at all! (ok...maybe a little bit)

I just wanted to share a few things that God has blessed us with this past year.

First is the job that Phil now has. He has had a great job working with a great friend for many years but needed to change jobs this past year. God blessed Phil with a job through another friend who in his words told Phil that "he is the first person he can't wait to fire". It had been such a blessing for us. His boss picks him up in the mornings. That is a huge blessing as well because we are now down to 1 vehicle.

We had many books given to us for home schooling. When I was still in the "What am I going to use for curriculum" mode I had a friend blessed us with MANY books. just what I needed!! made my decision much easier for me!! ;-)

A great yard sale that was such an encouragement to us. Many of the people who stopped by were believers they were all so encouraging to us in our desire to follow where God would have us go. And we also had many contacts made through our yard sale.

Claire needed a new pair of glasses (a normal thing for a 2 year old). We had no money to purchase the glasses when they broke but we know she needed them and it had to be done. I went in to the shop and found out that her 1 year warranty for her glasses was really a 3 year warranty.

A friend who took all of our Christmas stocking without my knowing and filled them for our family. When they were delivered I was shocked at how full they were! They certainly spoiled us! (THANK YOU!!)

The provision of a great new Pastor and family! What a joy they are! I hope they are adjusting well to the cold weather!

Blessing! It is always so encouraging to look back at them. When you start thinking of them you are reminded of so many more!