It's not a secret anymore...

Well, for those of you that are reading this. You are either saying "finally" or WHAT!! After much prayer and consideration Phil and I have decided to pursue Guatemala. We feel that God really wants us there. We both have been there, Phil more than myself. However, a part of us is left there each time we head down.

Let me just say we are in the very beginning stages of this. Meaning we just received our initial application that we need to sit down and fill out and send in before we really get the ball rolling.

We are so excited and all the kids are too. God is so amazing that He has placed this on our hearts. (even the kids hearts) It is such an exciting time to be starting this process. We laugh at the prospect of being there in just a few years with the kids. Then realize that Abby will be ready to graduate when we are just going to be getting settled. However, that is our human time frame. God may have us wait longer or hey, we may be even getting there sooner. Whatever the time frame, it is all in Gods hands at this point.

So, now that it is out there please keep us in your prayers through this whole process! We thank you for that.

And, I will not be the only one posting on this, I may have the kids randomly put things on here that they are feeling and Phil as things progress. I just want to keep it all written somewhere so that I can keep track of things!


Amy January 11, 2007 at 7:26 AM

Oh Jen! I'm so excited for you and your family, but also a bit sad. I guess I just need to get used to the fact that things change. Going back to FBC is worlds different each time!

We will definitely keep you in our prayers as the Lord guides your steps. He is so faithful and we are so privileged to serve Him whereever He leads us. I look forward to hearing more from you and the rest of the family. Now I'll have another reason to get down to Guatemala and see what God is doing down there!

Beth January 12, 2007 at 5:12 AM

Oh my that is so awesome! I have also been feeling very pulled to a life outside of the US doing full time ministry. Pulled is the only way to describe it- just spending much of my day thinking about the plight of others who have both serious physical and spiritual needs. Life in the US is seeming more and more...pointless from an eternal view? I could definitely see how God could use your personality and how you interact with your kids to be a great tool doing foreign missions!

Jeremy February 26, 2007 at 2:43 PM

Yes! I've been waiting for this announcement patiently :-P cause when I move to Guatemala then I'll know some more people down there!