Summer has officially started! The kids had their last day of school yesterday. Sleepovers have begun, summer plans are in full swing and we have moved into our new and hopefully "even more temporary" housing last weekend. The Lord has blessed us with a beautiful house to be in until we are heading to Guatemala. It is right on a lake on the other side of town from where we were and the kids have enjoyed swimming here almost every day! We are very thankful for Gods provision in this area. These next few weeks are going to be busy with different VBS programs and missions meetings. We would cherish your prayers for all of this and that the Lord would use us each day for His glory.
Below is a letter that we have sent out via e-mail, if you are not on our list you would not have seen this.
Dear Family & Friends
I would like to take a moment to update you on our progress and to solicit your support of our ministry. While we have made considerable progress in our support raising we find ourselves short of the amount that we need to be able to finalize our plans and establish a moving date to Guatemala.
Earlier in the year we had communicated the desire to establish an objective of May for having our support established. During that time we have had significant momentum in our efforts at reaching our goal, but have not reached the amount needed for our family to survive in the field.
It has been truly humbling to see the Lord at work and we are consistently amazed at His hand in this entire process. His timing is perfect! God has graciously provided the funds we need for one-time expenses like our move, establishing our home in Guatemala and other set-up costs. We are now praying fervently that God would provide for the rest our family’s regular monthly support needs in order to finish well and get on our way to Guatemala.
The bottom line is that we are ready to go “in spirit”, but must wait until God has provided the funds for us to do so! Our faithful teammates in the field are working hard and need our help. We are anxious to come alongside them and begin working in this amazing ministry… provided by God and serving so many in need. Guatemala has recently suffered the effects of a major volcanic eruption and a devastating tropical storm. The damage to the country´s infrastructure, the loss of life and displacement of thousands from their homes has created an entire new set of needs there…needs that we are excited about being a part of meeting! In the past AMG has operated with the assistance of 3 or 4 missionary families and is currently operating with just 1. Will you help us to get on our way by agreeing to be a part of our financial support team? We need your help! Please contact me right away if you need any additional information, or if you have any questions. Setting up a regular monthly gift to our family is as easy as picking a monthly amount and then calling 1-800-251-7206 or visiting "" and clicking on DONATE.
Thank you so much for the interest you´ve expressed in our ministry. Thank you so much for your prayers!
Summer Time!
Update Update!!
Wondering what is going on with the Wilson family?
What have we been doing?
Well, we have been busy people!
Phil and I went on our whirlwind trip to Indiana, Ohio and Tennessee in May. We were able to spend time with his brother Bob, his wife Deb and their children (we also were able to visit with our great niece's and nephew's) What a great time we had with them the time was much too short! We did make the best of our time! That Saturday we were able to go to Ohio and meet with the Pastor and wife of the Pleasant Grove Church of God. What a wonderful time we had sharing stories, and enjoying a wonderful lunch with them. "Uncle Calvin" and "Auntie Carla" as we have dubbed them were such a joy to be around. Their love for the Lord is evident in all they do! They are a blessing to all who they meet I am sure! We were able to spend "quality" time in the car with Bob and Deb that Saturday because we had them join us for the day! We were able to share the ministry that God has called us to at Bob and Deb's church on Mother's Day. It was a beautiful day, I only wish we were able to have the kids with us. I have not been without my children on Mother's Day since Abby was born! what an odd feeling! We had a great day with Bob and Deb's family though! Their children and grandchildren were great stand-ins for us!
Monday morning came very early and we were out the door driving to Tennessee. It was nice driving and seeing a different part of the country. Flat corn fields, soy bean fields, then big cities, and beautiful mountains! We went from one extreme to the other while we were driving! It was beautiful seeing the different things out there. We arrived in Tennessee a little later than we were expecting to, thanks to the GPS that brought us a "little" out of our way! But we arrived safe and sound, so that is good. We were able to visit quickly with Dee and Ken who work with AMG in the home office. We met them when we went to Guatemala in December for our Bundles of Love trip. It was wonderful seeing them! We have seen Ken on skype a few times for meetings but real life is so much better! We had a wonderful time staying with Pete and Kim, also from the home office. They gave us the true feel of "mi casa es tu casa" (my house is your house).
While we were in Tennessee Phil had a few days of meetings. Learning more about the country God has called us to. We came home and hit the road running!
Abby had a prom that she attended at a local high school with a friend. She looked stunning, if I can say that as the mom! Betsy was winding down her softball season. Megan has been playing soccer, and keeps us running from practices to games, never a dull moment. She had a tournament over Memorial Day weekend and her team won for the U13 girls! We were so happy for them! Abby also attended her own school's prom that weekend. If you knew what my calendar looked like, you would wonder if I had learned how to have myself in 4 places at once! God saw us through our very busy weekend! Cabot and Anna are winding down their school year, with lots of field trips and special days at school. And last but not least Claire graduated from kindergarten!
A bunch of changes for our family have taken place, and will continue to take place. We are so excited to see what God has in store for our family and look to each new day as a blessing from Him! We are still in need of support for the ministry and ask that if you feel led to partner with us through AMG to please ask us how if you would like. We are still looking at leaving in August, but our financial goal has not been met. Would you consider supporting us? It could be a one time gift, or monthly support. And as always prayer is always needed!
thank you for taking the time to read this very long overdue post of our happenings this past month! I thought you would like to know what the family has been up to!
We are excited to tell you that we have added a new element to our blog
"It's Coffee" We love coffee, and have thought of how many of you do as well. We found this great site to help us raise support! Would you look at it and feel free to help us in this way? Thanks for looking!